Support the Troops This Christmas

If you were working in a war zone, far away from your friends and family at Christmas, wouldn't you appreciate some treats from home? Earlier this year, I sent a care package to Australian troops [Read More]

Taking Stock – October 2019

I don't know about you but I feel like someone pressed the fast forward button on October so before I head feet first into November, I'm going to press the pause button and take a breather and take [Read More]

101 Things in 1001 Days V3

So here it is, my latest list of 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days. Now this isn't my first rodeo or my first list, if you've been around a while, you might remember my original list and Version 2 [Read More]

101 Things in 1001 Days – A Review

Truth be told, 1009 days have passed since I wrote my list of 101 Things in 1001 Days, my current list "expired" on 29 September but I've been busy reviewing the old list and writing a new one because [Read More]

Taking Stock – September 2019

This September has been one to remember as Teddy Roosevelt came to his fur-ever home. In case you're wondering, only one of those dogs is the real Teddy Roosevelt, the other is Max, my faux-dog who [Read More]

Recent Reads – September 2019

It's taken me since my last recent reads post until now to round up 10 of the best books from my bookshelf.  I must confess,  I haven't read quite as many books as I would have liked to [Read More]