How to Make the AWW Bunny Cake

Whether you're celebrating Easter or a special person's birthday - this bunny cake is easy to make and sure to be a hit with every bunny.  Every year we make our godchildren's birthday cakes. [Read More]

47 On 47

 Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash You guys it's my Birthday Eve! I can hardly believe it myself, tomorrow I am going to turn 48! In case you didn't know I am into birthdays in a [Read More]

Christmas in July Made Easy

If you're new round here, you might wonder why I'm writing about Christmas in July. If you're not new, you'll know that I embrace Christmas in July as enthusiastically as I embrace Christmas in [Read More]

Taking Stock – June 2019

June was short, sweet and action packed. There was fun with family, fun with friends, wining, dining and celebrations a-plenty. All in all it was a most satisfying thirty days and before I jump into [Read More]

She’s So Inspiring – Roz McGrath

My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they  choose to live it have really inspired me.  A few years ago, I started the She’s So [Read More]

Afternoon Tea With a View at Halekulani

Afternoon tea - scones, sarnies, endless cups of tea and delicious sweet treats - what's not to love? I can't think of a better way to while away an afternoon, especially at the Halekulani hotel where [Read More]

Taking Stock – May 2019

I don't know about you but I can't believe that we're half way through the year already! May went by fast and it was mostly full of fabulous with an equal amount of work, play and holidaze! Before I [Read More]

Recent Reads – May 2019

Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash I've read more than 25 books this year and am half way to my goal of reading 50 books in 2019. When it comes to reading I'm a bit of an [Read More]