Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Be Anything

Well, as it's the first Words of Wisdom of  the year so I had to be sure it was a good one. I couldn't choose a word for the year because I have commitment issues and it was impossible to stick with [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – January 2016

Hello friends! I've missed you! First things first, Happy New Cheer! I hope 2016 has been nothing but fabulous thus far! Now that I'm back, I'm starting the year as I mean to go on, joining in with [Read More]

A December to Remember

Now, I know I said I was going to take a bloggy break and I am, but that was before I realised  that the end of December was nigh and  I hadn't done a wrap up for the month. I'm way too obsessive [Read More]

The Sound of Music to My Ears!

Brought to you by Nuffnang and the Sound of Music Hello. My name is Sam and I'm addicted to musicals. I'm a self confessed musical tragic. There are lots of things I loved about growing up and [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #49

photo credit @swe_bunnies Hello friends! I hope everybunny is feeling as festive and looking as cute as HashBrown and Freckles! I can't believe it - only six sleeps until Christmas and our last foray [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Gratitude

Since my two touches of cancer, my life has been so much fuller and richer and I'm sure it's because I'm so grateful for so many things. Of course, I had  a lot to be grateful for before my diagnosis, [Read More]