Making Memories with Momento
I love taking photos. I am not just happy, I am snap happy. But here's the kicker, I'm really good at taking photos but I'm not very good at storing them. My photographic storage solutions are [Read More]
I love taking photos. I am not just happy, I am snap happy. But here's the kicker, I'm really good at taking photos but I'm not very good at storing them. My photographic storage solutions are [Read More]
One of my biggest problems in life is having so many things I want to do and not enough time to do them in. My To-Do list just never ends! I spent my Saturday with Christina from Hair Romance and [Read More]
I'm totally loving that 20 Things About Me thing on Instagram. I'm naturally nosey so I love finding out all the things (or at least 20 more of them,) about my friends. However, although I've been [Read More]
Huzzah for the weekend. I can't believe that this time last week, I was hot footing it all over Canberra and channelling my Inner Minnie. Isn't it funny the difference a week makes? Running makes [Read More]
My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they choose to live it have really inspired me. Some are bloggers, some are not, their lives are all different [Read More]
I have learnt from experience that this is so true. It's not what happens to you that matters, it's how you deal with it. I never wanted to be a cookie that crumbled. And nor do I want to be a potato [Read More]
3 and a half years ago I was in hosptital recovering from a total thyroidectomy and looking like an extra in a Sweeney Todd movie. Four and a half months ago, David was in hospital recovering [Read More]
I hope your Easter was eggcellent and that you enjoyed every last moment of the long weekend eggstravaganza. I ate my body weight in chocolate eggs and burning those surplus calories off could turn [Read More]
If you've been following this series you'll have realised that the women are all inspiring and all beautifully different but the questions are always the same. This is mostly because it took me [Read More]
It's hard to believe but it's my 3 years and 6 months cancerversary tomorrow (yes, cancerversary that's a thing,) so this beautiful guest post from Lisa is perfectly timed. A friend once remarked [Read More]