November, what a ride!

November was so memorable for so many reasons! We got off to a flying start with the Rebel Run at Olympic Park. It was the first run we'd done together on home turf for like, forever, and it was [Read More]

Finding the Flip Side

We had big plans for our 10 year meet-a-versary. There was to be wining, dining and even a pair of tickets for Cirque du Soleil.  But then this happened. Not quite what either of us had in [Read More]

The Meet-a-Versary

So I met David on the internet,  which was hands down the best 35 quid I ever spent. Although we didn't really "meet" on the internet, we just kind of crossed paths and exchanged emails there. We [Read More]

Change is a-coming

Exciting things are happening. The blog is undergoing an extreme makeover. I'm very lucky to have a husband who is also a computer wizard. Not only did he build my site, but now he's giving it a [Read More]

The Art of Being Happy and Other Stuff

One day last week I went to an event, the theme of which was "The Art of Being Happy." With a title like that, how could I resist? This was a blogging event organised by Kids Business and was a [Read More]

Dharish’s Minced Lamb Curry

Serves 4 This traditional spiced mince curry is also known as Lamb Keema.  It's traditionally made with peas (and or potatoes) and is delicious served with rice or roti. Remember [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Be About It

Lately, I have been all talk and no action. Or more to the point, all lists and no action. Then I look at the lists, realise how little I have crossed off and get my knickers all in a knot. There's [Read More]