Taking Stock – March 2023
Although April is well under way, here I am still musing about March. It was a busy month hence the tardy retrospective but better late than never and all that. So without further ado, here's what [Read More]
Although April is well under way, here I am still musing about March. It was a busy month hence the tardy retrospective but better late than never and all that. So without further ado, here's what [Read More]
Pinch, punch, it's the first of the month which means I'm joining Sherry and friends for a round up of what's been in my kitchen. First off, I signed up for a year's subscription with Joe Wicks - [Read More]
These days my blog posts are like buses - you wait ages for one and then two come along at once! I'm really trying to get back into my blogging groove so last week I shared what's been in my kitchen [Read More]
So for the last two years I've been promising myself and Sherry, to join her monthly link up In My Kitchen. Every month, I take great delight in reading Sherry's IMK posts and every month I think I [Read More]
On Friday we'll celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary. Honestly, our marriage is one of my proudest achievements although I guess technically, I can only take half the credit for it. In those 16 [Read More]
2023 has got off to a very slow start. We've all been a bit under the weather and talking of the weather, it's been absolutely baltic. Much time has been spent hibernating and horizontal on the sofa [Read More]
Here we are on the last day of 2022 and what a ride this year has been! It has certainly been a December to remember for all the right reasons, not least because it has been our first northern [Read More]
I'm a bit conflicted. I am not at all ready for it to be the last month of the year but I am totally ready to crack open my advent calendar and fully embrace all things Christmas. Actually, scrap that [Read More]
It's been almost 2 months since we came back to the UK and it's taken me this long to get around to answering all your burning questions. It turns out that moving around the world is a full time job! [Read More]
It's been a month since my last blog post and what an action packed month it's been! Now that we're a bit more organised and are a lot more settled, I'm hoping to show up in this little corner of the [Read More]