Nice Day for A Beach Wedding

I just love love. I'm such an old romantic. I do love a wedding. It's just a shame I don't get to go to many. The last one I went to was my own and that was 7 years ago. That's way too long [Read More]

Memories are made of this

Baby, I'm back! Coming back to the computer feels like coming home! Surely it can't be mid- January, already?! I have a theory that the older I get, the faster time goes, it's so true! We had [Read More]


We had the most wonderful time with the visitors. Oh how I miss those halcyon days of sunshine, wine and good times. The only bit I didn't like was how fast the time flew by. It is true what they say, [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Be Positive

I've had my grumpy pants on for the last few days and had a bad case of the PHB (Post Holiday Blues.) Going back to work was like a one way ticket to Sucksville. Grumpy pants be gone! I'm going to try [Read More]

Make this Christmas Count

Happy Holidays y'all! Christmas is coming! The countdown to Christmas has been crazy; a plethora of parties, fun with friends, shopping frenzies and kitchen chaos. It's been a case of too much fun [Read More]

The Gift Exchange Extravaganza!

Do you remember how excited I was about joining Fat Mum Slim's Gift Exchange? I was just as excited about the giving as I was about the receiving, if not moreso. I had tons of fun stalking my [Read More]

The Fun Never Stops!

There's been a whole lot of celebrating going on round here. It started on Good News Friday and it hasn't stopped! On Saturday, we prematurely celebrated our niece Talor's 7th birthday. There were [Read More]