Nice Day for A Beach Wedding
I just love love. I'm such an old romantic. I do love a wedding. It's just a shame I don't get to go to many. The last one I went to was my own and that was 7 years ago. That's way too long [Read More]
I just love love. I'm such an old romantic. I do love a wedding. It's just a shame I don't get to go to many. The last one I went to was my own and that was 7 years ago. That's way too long [Read More]
Baby, I'm back! Coming back to the computer feels like coming home! Surely it can't be mid- January, already?! I have a theory that the older I get, the faster time goes, it's so true! We had [Read More]
Because that's all you can do, isn't it? It may not be what you want to do, or what you want to have or where you want to be but it sure is a great start. Happy Wednesday y'all! [Read More]
We had the most wonderful time with the visitors. Oh how I miss those halcyon days of sunshine, wine and good times. The only bit I didn't like was how fast the time flew by. It is true what they say, [Read More]
I've had my grumpy pants on for the last few days and had a bad case of the PHB (Post Holiday Blues.) Going back to work was like a one way ticket to Sucksville. Grumpy pants be gone! I'm going to try [Read More]
I've had the happiest of holidays and I hope you have too. Can you believe it's New Year's Eve already? Where did the time go? I'm not a big lover of New Year's Eve but this year I have the big [Read More]
Happy Holidays y'all! Christmas is coming! The countdown to Christmas has been crazy; a plethora of parties, fun with friends, shopping frenzies and kitchen chaos. It's been a case of too much fun [Read More]
Do you remember how excited I was about joining Fat Mum Slim's Gift Exchange? I was just as excited about the giving as I was about the receiving, if not moreso. I had tons of fun stalking my [Read More]
I think this should be displayed on billboards, here, there and everywhere. This is one acronym everyone should learn! Which other letter would you add to the list? [Read More]
There's been a whole lot of celebrating going on round here. It started on Good News Friday and it hasn't stopped! On Saturday, we prematurely celebrated our niece Talor's 7th birthday. There were [Read More]