Holiday Highlights

I have spent so much time in cars, on trains and on planes it almost put me off travelling. But not quite. I finally understood the true meaning of cabin fever  while travelling the 16 odd hours from [Read More]

A change is as good as a rest

 The silence of the blog has been deafening, don't you think? Don't worry, I'm not missing in action, or buried under my cake tins, I'm just on the other side of the world visiting the rellos. It's [Read More]

21 Days of Kindess – Week 3

It was a fun finale to the 21 Day Kindness Challenge. Here's how I kept up the kindness in week 3. 15  - High fiving good service Every working day starts with a visit to Claudia's Coffee Cart [Read More]


The other day I just had one of those days. You know those days. It started off well enough but rapidly progressed into a comedy of errors. The problems peaked early in morning class when I could [Read More]

21 Days of Kindness – Week 2

8.  Feeding the homeless I spotted a new homeless man who I hadn't seen before. I popped out at lunchtime to give him a muffin. The smile on his face could have lit up the city. It melted my heart [Read More]

Gelato Messina (AKA Gelato Heaven)

Thanks to Google Local, I scored myself a place at a Messina Gelato Class. Gelato Messina is the stuff dessert legends are made of. It's reputation precedes it. Messina is Gelato and it has been voted [Read More]