Cheese for Charity

I love to learn, and I especially love to learn new tips and tricks for the kitchen. So of course, I said "yes, please," when I was asked if I wanted to learn how to make cheese! Last week I [Read More]

21 Days of Kindness – Week 1

I know I was a bit late getting started but I got such a kick out of kindness last week. Here's an update how I travelled with my first 7 days in the Kindness Challenge. 1. Random Act of [Read More]

Half Marathon Miracle

My legs might not be ready to run a half marathon but my nails are. Nail stickers are a random but quintessential part of my race ritual! It's a beautiful day for a running festival, let me [Read More]

Not Run Ready

My next half marathon is now less than a week away. Eeek! A week! This is my third half marathon and I am the most ill prepared, tiredest and heaviest I have been before a 21km run off. I know it [Read More]

The 21 Day Kindness Challenge

Kindess is something that should be shared, and once it gets going, it's infectious. I was pretty stoked when I saw this 21 Day Kindness Challenge shared on Brenda's Facebook Page. (If you haven't [Read More]