Apricot Sour Cream Cake

  Serves 8 - 10 I've just started a beginners photography class. It's hard teaching this old dog new tricks. Let's just say, I'm never going to be the star student, but I have got off auto, I [Read More]

Melt and Mix Gingerbread

 Makes 24 (depending on size of cutter) This gingerbread recipe is quick, easy and all kinds of delicious. When I was a kid, I hated all things ginger, even gingerbread! Can you believe?! Now I [Read More]

Cookies and Cream Cheesecake

Serves 10-12 I still remember making this for dessert for one of our first Christmases in Australia. We were still fresh off the boat (and when I say boat, I mean plane) and we hadn't quite got the [Read More]

Chocolate Buttercream

  Makes enough icing for 12 cupcakes This chocolate buttercream is one bowl wonderful! I am never going to win any prizes for my cake decorating but what I lack in skills, I definitely [Read More]

Ginger Slice

This slice is totally old skool and totally delicious. Think crumbly, buttery shortbread on the base with a lightly spiced icing topping it all off. I blame those ginger nut biscuits for putting me [Read More]

Stained-Glass Window Biscuits

These egg-free stained glass window biscuits are as pretty as they are delicious! I've given this recipe an extreme makeover - with some new pics, a new list of ingredients and a new how-to. My new [Read More]

Peanut Butter and Almond Cookies

Everyone will go nuts for these delicious Peanut Butter Cookies! I love peanut butter so hard. Talking of hard, I used to keep peanut butter in the fridge which made it impossible to eat because it [Read More]

Almond Stars

Makes 24 Ingredients 1 3/4 cups (250g) plain flour 2/3  cup (150g) caster sugar 2/3 cup (70g) ground almonds 1 pinch cinnamon 200g unsalted butter 2 egg  yolks ½ [Read More]

Spiced Banana Bread

If you look through the recipe roll here on the blog, you'll soon see that I go bananas for banana bread. There's the Raisin and Walnut  Mini  Banana Loaves, Nutella Banana Bread, Choc Nut Banana [Read More]

Chocolate Coconut Cakes

Makes 6 This was one of the first recipes I ever posted and since then it's had an extreme makeover with new pics and a shiny, new Thermomix conversion. These days I'm a wannabe minimalist but [Read More]