Thermomix Indian Sweet Potato and Dhal Pie
Makes 2 medium pies We've been trying to eat a lot more veggies and a lot more pulses and this pie ticks all the boxes. Now, I'm not going to beat around the bush here, this pie is all kinds of [Read More]
Makes 2 medium pies We've been trying to eat a lot more veggies and a lot more pulses and this pie ticks all the boxes. Now, I'm not going to beat around the bush here, this pie is all kinds of [Read More]
So we're on holidays hot footing it up and down the east coast of Australia. It's about as much fun as you can have in your own (almost) backyard. We have no secret tricks or grand plans but we're [Read More]
Today I'm over at The Blog Roll where I'm talking about how The Annoyed Thyroid got it's name and all things bloggy. Please come and say g'day! The Blog Roll is the brilliant bloggy brainchild of [Read More]
This Saturday and every Saturday, I'm joining forces with Karin from Calm to Conniption, Jess from A Little Part of the World and Fleur from Our Urban Box to host the awesome The Ultimate Rabbit Hole [Read More]
So for what seems like forever, poor David has been slaving away into the night and through weekends to give the blog an extreme makeover. It was all hands on deck, we engaged the help of the [Read More]
Serves 4 Love me a frittata that I can throw in the oven and this one is full of my favourite things. It makes a lovely lunch, it's a delicious dinner and it's also perfect for picnics. As a bonus, [Read More]
Pinch me! How can it be February already? It seems like it was only yesterday that we were watching the fireworks and starting the new year with a bang. Work was totally nuts this month, so in an [Read More]
This morning David and I were up before the sun so I could take part in my first run of the year, the Sydney Morning Herald Sun Run. It's my fourth Sun Run (you can check out the 2014 edition here) [Read More]
I read so many blogs and so much stuff on the interwebs that it seems a shame not to share it. I've been wanting to make a post of my five favourites for a while now, but time and energy always seem [Read More]
It's the Anzac base and Tim Tam middle that makes these the Ultimate Australian Brownies! I have made no secret about how much I loved the Town Bike Brownies that I first saw and raved about over [Read More]