My 5 Festive Favourites 2014

There's so much to love about Christmas in general but here's 5 things that are really tickling my fancy this year. 1. Personalised Christmas Bauble This was my first purchase from Down That [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Peace

I've had a heavy heart and all the feels the past couple of days. The siege in Sydney really got me. There' s been the negatives; the sadness, anger, confusion and  heartbreak that this ever even [Read More]

Meatless Monday – Mini Veggie Frittatas

Makes 9 frittatas A while back I asked my facebook peeps what to feed a baby shower mumma with gestational diabetes. I asked and the people of Facebook answered. I was inundated with ideas, all of [Read More]

Taking Stock – the End of Year edition

Pip from Meet me at Mike's started the Taking Stock series and I love it so. I've taken stock a couple of times this year, in January, then in June, post holiday in October and here's the last stock [Read More]

Christmas Hedgehog Slice

Cuts into about 30 squares This festive Hedgehog Slice is for life, not just for Christmas!  Hedgehog slice is one of my favourite things. It's  kind of a cross between fudge and a rocky [Read More]

More Liebster Lovin’

So do you remember a while back, Jim and Christina from Mr and Mrs Romance nominated me for a Liebster Award? The Liebster award is a blogging award  given to bloggers by bloggers. It's like the [Read More]

A Good News Day

photo credit LaurPhil via photopin cc I don't get stressed before I get my results anymore but I totally feel like a fourth Musketeer. You know, on guard. Especially when we get to the pointy end of [Read More]

Thermomix Rudolph the Reindeer Cookies

Makes 12 I saw these Rudolph cookies in an old AWW copy of Christmas Baking. As I am a fan of the Lazy Girl of Cooking, I decided to simplify them some and make them in my Thermomix. They're packed [Read More]