More Liebster Lovin’

So do you remember a while back, Jim and Christina from Mr and Mrs Romance nominated me for a Liebster Award? The Liebster award is a blogging award  given to bloggers by bloggers. It's like the [Read More]

A Good News Day

photo credit LaurPhil via photopin cc I don't get stressed before I get my results anymore but I totally feel like a fourth Musketeer. You know, on guard. Especially when we get to the pointy end of [Read More]

Thermomix Rudolph the Reindeer Cookies

Makes 12 I saw these Rudolph cookies in an old AWW copy of Christmas Baking. As I am a fan of the Lazy Girl of Cooking, I decided to simplify them some and make them in my Thermomix. They're packed [Read More]

Testing, testing

photo credit Phillip Jeffrey  via cc  photopin I wouldn't have an action replay of the last 10 days for anything. I won't lie, inbetween looking for the flip side, I've  wanted to stamp my feet, [Read More]

November, what a ride!

November was so memorable for so many reasons! We got off to a flying start with the Rebel Run at Olympic Park. It was the first run we'd done together on home turf for like, forever, and it was [Read More]

My Top 5 Christmas Treats

Well in light of recent events, I haven't had time to think about, let alone do anything, about Christmas! I can hardly believe we're half way through November... already? Christmas is just around the [Read More]

Finding the Flip Side

We had big plans for our 10 year meet-a-versary. There was to be wining, dining and even a pair of tickets for Cirque du Soleil.  But then this happened. Not quite what either of us had in [Read More]

The Meet-a-Versary

So I met David on the internet,  which was hands down the best 35 quid I ever spent. Although we didn't really "meet" on the internet, we just kind of crossed paths and exchanged emails there. We [Read More]