Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Be Good to Yourself
With the festive frenzy fast approaching it's easy to get sucked into the Christmas Crazy. I shared my top tips for self preservation here. Just don't forget to be kind to yourself ok? You [Read More]
With the festive frenzy fast approaching it's easy to get sucked into the Christmas Crazy. I shared my top tips for self preservation here. Just don't forget to be kind to yourself ok? You [Read More]
photo credit Phillip Jeffrey via cc photopin I wouldn't have an action replay of the last 10 days for anything. I won't lie, inbetween looking for the flip side, I've wanted to stamp my feet, [Read More]
November was so memorable for so many reasons! We got off to a flying start with the Rebel Run at Olympic Park. It was the first run we'd done together on home turf for like, forever, and it was [Read More]
I never cease to be amazed at how adaptable we humans really are. Our lives have changed so much the past few days, but yet it feels like life has always been this way. We've got into our groove, [Read More]
Well in light of recent events, I haven't had time to think about, let alone do anything, about Christmas! I can hardly believe we're half way through November... already? Christmas is just around the [Read More]
We had big plans for our 10 year meet-a-versary. There was to be wining, dining and even a pair of tickets for Cirque du Soleil. But then this happened. Not quite what either of us had in [Read More]
So I met David on the internet, which was hands down the best 35 quid I ever spent. Although we didn't really "meet" on the internet, we just kind of crossed paths and exchanged emails there. We [Read More]
These sour cream Lemon and Blueberry Muffins are bursting with blueberries and popping with zesty lemon. They're utterly scrumptious! I've actually updated this recipe, added traditional [Read More]
It's about this time three years ago, that I was receiving radioactive iodine treatment. I was in isolation, experiencing word tsunamis, with a mouthful of lemon sherberts and reading off the Geiger [Read More]
Exciting things are happening. The blog is undergoing an extreme makeover. I'm very lucky to have a husband who is also a computer wizard. Not only did he build my site, but now he's giving it a [Read More]