The Art of Being Happy and Other Stuff

One day last week I went to an event, the theme of which was "The Art of Being Happy." With a title like that, how could I resist? This was a blogging event organised by Kids Business and was a [Read More]

Dharish’s Minced Lamb Curry

Serves 4 This traditional spiced mince curry is also known as Lamb Keema.  It's traditionally made with peas (and or potatoes) and is delicious served with rice or roti. Remember [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Be About It

Lately, I have been all talk and no action. Or more to the point, all lists and no action. Then I look at the lists, realise how little I have crossed off and get my knickers all in a knot. There's [Read More]

Breaking up is hard to do

So a couple of weeks ago my therapist and I broke up. Don't worry, it was all very amicable. Forget all that stuff about being too sexy for my shirt, it turns out I am too happy for therapy. Happy [Read More]

So that was, October

October was the month of now you see it, now you don't! It was fun and it was fast! What's not to love about a month that starts  in Bali? We chillaxed as if our lives depended on it at the Conrad [Read More]

My Rebel Run

So today I took part in my first Sydney Rebel Run. I've always wanted to give it a go, but in previous years, I've either been recovering from surgery, out of the country or overcome by apathy. Today [Read More]

Thermomix Quick Chicken Curry

Serves 4 I love my friend Dharish's curries almost as much as I love Dharish herself (which is a lot. A whole lot.) In fact one of the things I miss most about living in London is Dharish's [Read More]