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Author Corner – Mike Gayle

Welcome to the inaugural Author's Corner where I get to satisfy my curiosity and pick the brains of some awesome authors. Number 8 on my list of 101 Things to Do Version 3 was to email my favourite [Read More]

Taking Stock – April 2020

Is it just me or does every day feel like the same these days? Well, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. I'm losing track of time to the extent that I'm posting my April reflections at the [Read More]

Taking Stock – March 2020

I love this picture of Teddy Roosevelt, he looks like I feel!  I know we're well into April here but March was massive and went from hero to zero pretty fast. Now that March has passed, I've [Read More]

Mini Easter Bunny Malteser Cheesecakes

These individual mini Malteser cheesecakes are an eggcellent choice for dessert this Easter! I know it seems weird posting an Easter recipe right now but I figure every bunny could do with something [Read More]

Taking Stock – February 2020

February was definitely a month of two halves as I travelled from the northern to southern hemisphere, from hot weather to cold and from one half of my family to the other! Jet lag aside, it certainly [Read More]

The 13th Anniversary Edition

13 might be unlucky for some but hopefully not for us because today we're celebrating our 13th anniversary... Apart. I'm in the UK, David is down under and as this is the first (and hopefully the [Read More]

Easy Orange and Apricot Loaf

This easy fruit loaf packed with chunks of apricot and the essence of citrus is the most delicious teatime treat. Since I got back from the UK, I've been so distracted out of the kitchen that I've [Read More]

2019 – A Year in Review Part 2

Last week I looked back on the first half of 2019 with a year in review and  here I am back with part 2. As I've started, so I'll finish! Spoiler alert - puppy spam and a whole lot of [Read More]