Clever Cookies, High Tea and the QVB

Do you remember last month I was busy boffing away at Clever Cookie School of Blog, the bloggy brainchild of Chantelle and Rowe. Well, guess what? I graduated! I'm officially a Clever Cookie! Now [Read More]

Thermomix Chocolate Coconut Slice

Cuts into 16 squares This chocolate coconut slice is so nice. It's super yummy, super easy and egg-free! I converted it to the Thermomix from  the Queensland Flood Relief book A Generous Helping, [Read More]

Life Defining Moments

So last week my Disneyland Half Marathon "Memory CD" arrived and I was so excited I could have crushed a grape. A whole vineyard of them, actually. I have never bought official running photos [Read More]

Thermomix No Bake Granola Bars

Makes 12  bars or 16 squares We love these no bake Granola bars of dairy-free deliciousness. They are just like LCM bars, only they taste better and they're better for you. They have proved to [Read More]

The Cancerversary – the 3rd edition

Today, I have at least 1000 reasons  to smile. It's my 3rd cancerversary, so let's get this party started, ok? I always feel compelled to mark my cancerversaries because they remind me of not just [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Just Say No

Last week, I read this awesome post by the equally awesome Dr Sash and it really resonated with me. Since I had cancer, I am much better at saying no  to things I can't or don't want to do, but at [Read More]