Letting Go is Hard to Do

I am a hoarder by nature. I can't help it. I'm a Cancerian. I'm constantly asking myself the question, "to chuck or not to chuck?" Invariably, the answer is "not to chuck," because I never know when I [Read More]

Simple Seafood Curry

Serves 4 I ripped this out of a newspaper - although I have no idea which one because it was like, forever ago. I dumped it in my recipe file, made it once and had it on the Love-It list for a very [Read More]

Top 5 Low Iodine Dinners

A low iodine diet can be challenging  with it's long list of forbidden foods, but with a little bit of planning and imagination, it's not difficult to make healthy, low iodine and very delicious [Read More]

Apple and Cinnamon Bliss Balls

Makes about 15  large balls (low iodine) I gave this recipe a bit of a makeover and don't you think it looks amazeballs? (Ha! See what I did there?!) I've been asking my taste testers to get their [Read More]

Chapter Living

Before my diagnosis, I used to dream big, and plan lots. I used to love filling my diary with things to do; days, weeks, months and sometimes, even years ahead. In fact, I was so forward thinking that [Read More]

Good News Friday

It's D-day! I'm up bright and early to be under the scanner. There's nothing untoward about this scan apart from the fact that you have a  machine in your face (literally) and you have to lie still as [Read More]