
Trish from My Little Drummer Boys  posted a link to a You Tube video yesterday. Have you dropped by her blog? If you haven't, you should. It's really good. So was the You Tube clip. I didn't get a [Read More]

The long and the salt of it

I'm on the low iodine diet again for the third, and what I hope is, the final time. I'm working on the premise, third time lucky and all that.  The first time I tried it, I was having treatment. On [Read More]

Thermomix Chewy Rainbow Cookies

Makes about 24 cookies These cookies are chewy and rainbow coloured. They remind me of my M&M Chocolate Chewy Cookies without the chocolate! You can use Smarties,  choc chips, nuts, dried fruit [Read More]

Another Classic Mother’s Day

Today over 130 000 people across Australia  took part in the Mother's Day Classic, and I am proud to say, I was one of them. Since it began in 1998, the Mother's Day Classic has grown into one of [Read More]

Apple and Blueberry Filo Pie

Serves 6 This fruity filo pie is the light fantastic. I like to think that this  is the ultimate weight watching pie - combining fruit and filo. It's easy to make and easy on the [Read More]