Wine Time!

Hooray! It's Friday! Or should I say Wine-Day?! Today, we're heading North to the Hunter Valley where we are going to taste some fine wine, smelly cheese and delicious chocolate! Bring it on! Max [Read More]

Silent but Deadly

I'm up with the birds to train with Kathy. We stick to strength exercises today which appear deceptively simple and seem relatively painless. These type of workouts are what I call "silent but [Read More]

Dizzy Quizzy

David's at football, Joan's meeting a mate which leaves me and Beverley to keep the flag flying. We decide to give the Trivia Quiz at the Cabana Bar a go and Tracey is brave enough to join us. The [Read More]

Pump ‘n’ Pizza

So it's back to the early morning call and a jolly at the gym to battle my ever-increasing-bulge. I'm pumping iron and loving it. I can lift more weights than my last pump class, so things are on the [Read More]

A Walk in the Park

I hit the ground running and am up and out of the house before the sun or the visitors have risen. I run into and around the city basking in the glorious sunshine. The views around the harbour are [Read More]

Running Tips

I found the best idea on Pinterest t'other day... workout tips! I don't want to blow my own trumpet or steam up my own running shoes because I'm well motivated when it comes to running and working [Read More]

Chipolata and Spring Onion Frittata

  Serves 4 This comforting sausage supper  has it all... it's cheap, it's easy and it's really delicious,  hot or cold!   Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 340g  chipolatas 6 [Read More]

A Kitchen Catch Up

After a hearty Shelton Lea breakfast, we head off into the sunshine. We're homeward bound but we have one last look at the beautiful mountain views at Evans Lookout over the Megalong Valley. We [Read More]

Mountain Goats

If you play, you pay, and after all my dietary indulgences of late, I have to do a whole lot of paying back and working out! There's no time like the present so I wake up early and run this town! I [Read More]