
I wake up far earlier than necessary so I decide to put my time to good use and run this town! It's fun running round Orange but I choose my route wisely. My sense of direction is famously bad, I [Read More]

Food for Thought: Top Tip 2

2. Move your body and "change your genes to that of a younger person!" Cindy from Nutritionchic explains that there are two types of exercise, aerobic (planned sessions of physical activity,) [Read More]

Bistro Ceello

Our first feast in Orange is at the delightful Bistro Ceello. When we arrive looking wet and just a little bit wild, I love that the restaurant is in a converted federation -style house. The building [Read More]

Big Day Out

Hurrah! This weekend we're giving up on the city and going out to the country, but before we make our great escape, I squeeze in a sneaky 8km to set me up for the fun filled days ahead! We've both [Read More]

Food for Thought: Top Tip 1

1. The Tape Measure Test To be healthy, women should have a waist measurement of no more than 80cm and men no more than 94cm. Despite what we think, the size of our legs and bums is not important, [Read More]

Corn and Fetta Samosas

Makes 8 large samosas These tasty little pockets will go down a treat – make some and freeze some! Ingredients 2 cups (320g) frozen sweetcorn ½ cup (125ml) vegetable oil 2 teaspoons [Read More]

An Evening of Health

On Tuesday,  Eve and I head off to the local community centre for an "Evening of Health". We're going to find out ways to eat ourselves healthy, see and taste some "healthy" chocolate made in the [Read More]

Going Down

It's July 25.  One of my students really gets into the Christmas in July spirit and brings a box of "Christmas" chocolates to share with us. It gives Wednesday a totally festive feel! There's lots [Read More]

Coconut Ice Frosting

  This frosting is pretty as a picture, pretty delicious and tasted pretty much like coconut ice, just in frosting form! This frosting is so quick and easy to make. I love to serve it atop [Read More]