Search Results for: uk

Taking Stock – July

July is by far my favourite month of  the year and this July has been no exception. It was fast but fabulous but before we get stuck into the awesome of August, let’s take stock  like Pip did. Shall [Read More]

7 Game Changing Food Documentaries

There's an Ancient Egyptian Proverb that goes "one quarter of what you eat keeps you alive, the other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive." Those Egyptians must have been on to something because, [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – July 2017

I wanted to join in with the 10 on 10 photography circle this month but there was no one to play pictures with so here I am, all on my lonesome, swapping 10 on 10 for 13 on 13, just to mix things up a [Read More]

Banana and Cinnamon Loaf

Cuts into 12 slices When we first came to Australia, one of our being weekend treats was to go to the cafe in the local bookstore and have a flat white coffee and a warm buttered slice of banana [Read More]

How to make a Moana Birthday Cake

David and I take our godparental responsibilities very seriously, especially when it comes to making birthday cakes. I must admit, I was more than a little worried when our goddaughter asked for a [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – June 2017

It's been a while since I joined with the 10 on 10 photography circle and now that I'm ready to roll with it, I'm rolling a day late. Of course, I could retitle this post 10 on 11, but I believe life [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #120

Hello there bunny holers! It's the first weekend of June and the first weekend of summer or winter, depending on your hemisphere! It's a new month, a new weekend and looky here, there's a new bunny in [Read More]

Taking Stock – May

Well, it's been an action packed month where I spent my time in two hemispheres, enjoyed two seasons and didn't enjoy two long haul flights. Now that the end of the month is nigh, let's take stock [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #119

Hello friends and welcome to the weekend. This week's rabbit hole adventure is brought to you by my good friend, Jet Lag. Despite following these 12 easy ways to minimise jet lag to the letter, my [Read More]