Search Results for: Anzac

Chantal’s Thermomix ANZAC Biscuits

Makes about 24 large  or 40 small biscuits We recently had the pleasure of hosting our friends Joan and Beverley from the UK. Both Joan and Bev worked in the office of the school in London where I [Read More]

Chocolate Cranzac Biscuits

    Makes 24 ANZAC biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) established in World War I, although this version is a tad fancier than the [Read More]

ANZAC Blondies

Makes 24 If an ANZAC biscuit and a Blondie had a cake baby, this would be it! White chocolate, oats, coconut and golden syrup - this slice has it all!  There are so many reasons to love [Read More]


We're on the home stretch now - Singapore to Sydney - and this flight is only 8 hours which is much easier to bear than the 12 hour flight fandango we've just survived. There is no piggy in the middle [Read More]

Anzac Slice with Golden Icing

Makes 32 This is an oldie but a goodie and it's one of the first Anzac delights I ever baked. It's the perfect tea time treat because it's simple and cheap to prepare and uses just a few store [Read More]

Anzac Biscuits

Makes 20 large biscuits I was inspired to make a batch of these biscuits after visiting the Australian War Memorial.  Anzac biscuits have  been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army [Read More]

Anzac and Orange Marmalade Slice

Cuts into 24 pieces I love marmalade more than Paddington, I'm sure of it. I recently played the Minimalism Game and during the month got rid of almost all the DVDs, all except Paddington that is. [Read More]

Taking Stock – April 2024

I know we're already into the yay of May but April was so action packed, I just need to take a breather, grab a cuppa and look back on the month that was. I'd love it if you joined me... Making: [Read More]

In My Kitchen – April 2024

April was a short month but as you'll see it was very sweet. We hosted quite a few visitors, sneaked away for a mini break in London town and I activated baking mode in the kitchen. Let's join Sherry [Read More]

Taking Stock – April 2021

I know I say it every month but April flew by in the blink of an eye! This year is just zooming by so fast, I can't quite keep up! April was a month of fun, food, friends and lots more besides. Before [Read More]