Sun-day Fun-day
This morning I’m all set to create some mango magic. Despite my best intentions to get creative with all those mangoes in the kitchen, they’ve been just too delicious to resist and I’ve single [Read More]
This morning I’m all set to create some mango magic. Despite my best intentions to get creative with all those mangoes in the kitchen, they’ve been just too delicious to resist and I’ve single [Read More]
It’s a glorious day and as I open the blinds and look outside - I notice that a bird has pooped on my freshly washed table! It’s a conspiracy – first the spiders, now the birds. I’m thinking that my [Read More]
I’ve reached the 7 day mark and this makes me not nearly half as hot or half as dangerous, in terms of radioactivity at least! I feel so lucky with my treatment because I’ve had no symptoms but I [Read More]
The first thing I think of when I wake up is that we should have been going to Perth today for Steve and Stace’s wedding. But we’re not. As bitter a pill as this is to swallow, I take some comfort in [Read More]
(low iodine) This recipe is a twist on traditional Tabbouleh, swapping bulgur for pearl couscous. It's loaded with fresh herbs, cherry tomatoes and topped off with a light citrus dressing. I [Read More]
(iodine free) Serves 4 Ingredients 500g asparagus, trimmed 200g green beans, trimmed 2 small tomatoes (260g), chopped finely 1 small (100g) red onion, chopped finely 2 cloves [Read More]
I survive another night without experiencing a word tsunami. Maybe I’m running out of things to say but whatever the reason, I’m just relieved to be slipping into a near normal sleep pattern. I [Read More]
Serves 2 (low iodine) These burgers are low iodine, low fat but big on taste! They're simply burgerlicious! Now that's it's summer our barbecue is getting a thorough workout. We can't stop [Read More]
I’m so relieved to have gotten through the night without experiencing a word tsunami. I don’t know whether it’s because I slept all night or because I’m pumped to the max with thyroxin, or a healthy [Read More]
Waking up is like being in a fairytale, namely “Sleeping Beauty.” It feels like I’ve slept for a hundred years and that I could sleep for a hundred more. But as it is, I call it quits and get up at [Read More]