Sport for the Soul
I should have been heading off to the airport this morning but instead I go to the gym. Every cloud has a silver lining! I’m all fired up to do my favourite class Basic Training, but my regular [Read More]
I should have been heading off to the airport this morning but instead I go to the gym. Every cloud has a silver lining! I’m all fired up to do my favourite class Basic Training, but my regular [Read More]
I woke up uber early as I’m wont to do on weekends. I must train my body clock better so that it can differentiate better between weekdays and weekends! I went through the usual motions of drinking [Read More]
I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking lots of what if’s. What if the prof says I can still go on holiday? What if I can’t? What if I have to have surgery? What if I don’t ? What if [Read More]
Still waiting with bated breath for the biopsy results but they haven’t arrived by late afternoon so undeterred off I go for my holiday highlights at the hairdressers. While I’m under the heat lamp [Read More]
It was Labour Day on Monday 3rd so the first available biopsy appointment wasn’t until Tuesday 4th. That was the longest long weekend ever. Still, we tried not to think about the looming long needles [Read More]
Serves 8-10 This dairy-free pumpkin and date cake is an oldie but a goodie! I love this cake - it's one of the first recipes I ever published and it's one of my favourites, even [Read More]
The good thing about seeing the “Prof” is that he only works in the mornings so I always get a day off when I go to see him. He’s a punctual fellow so we have enough time to have a little reunion with [Read More]