Search Results for: uk

2014 – the halfway point

Back in January I wrote a list of how my year was shaping up. Way back  then, I said it was like someone pressed the fast forward button and didn’t take their finger off! This year has been  fast, but [Read More]

Happy Birthday Queenie

I would love to be Queen of  England. Not only because I  would never have to cook or clean again (not unless I wanted to anyway,) but just because I could have 2 birthdays! How cool would that [Read More]

Another Classic Mother’s Day

Mother's Day down under is always a bit strange for me because although it's Mother's Day here, it's not Mother's Day over there. We always celebrate UK Mother's Day because it is after all, all about [Read More]

Eggstra, Eggstra!

Well ahoy there. It seems as though I took an Easter sabbatical, almost by eggcident. The combination of not  being a Christian and  being a seriously secular Jew at  this time of year always [Read More]

My Home is a Hotel

Visitors are like buses. You wait ages for one and then a whole heap come along at once. We've been in the now-not-so-new place almost a year. We spent most of 2013 waiting for vissies, but no one [Read More]

Making Dreams Come True

I've got a dream. I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours... Today, I took the first baby steps towards making my dream a reality. I got up at 5am and registered myself for the Disneyland Half [Read More]

Thermomix Choc-Nut Banana Bread

Makes 12 slices When life (or your colleagues) give you over ripe bananas, you can either slip on the skins, or as I prefer, make Banana Bread. This is a bit of a twist on the cafe classic, and [Read More]

So long, Sam

About 16 years ago, me and my mum took a trip to Battersea Dog's Home. We looked at a lot of dogs that day. We were like the Goldilocks' of the Dogs Home, all the dogs were either too big, too small, [Read More]