Search Results for: uk

Onesie one-derful!

So I bought David a onesie for his birthday because I really wanted one and I figured that by getting him one, he'd get the hint and get me one for my birthday six days later. Things didn't quite go [Read More]

The Monster Malteser Cake

This easy and delicious Chocolate Maltesers Cake is perfect for any special occasion. Funny enough this cake recently popped up in my Facebook memories because I first made this cake for David way [Read More]

Letting Go is Hard to Do

I am a hoarder by nature. I can't help it. I'm a Cancerian. I'm constantly asking myself the question, "to chuck or not to chuck?" Invariably, the answer is "not to chuck," because I never know when I [Read More]

Pumpkin – 7 Ways

One of the things I love most about living in Australia is eating in season. When I was in the UK I could buy any fresh fruit or veg at any time of the year, at a price, of course. I  figure this is [Read More]

The Sound of Silence in Bali

All good things come to an end and our Balinese break is no exception! I feel the onset of an acute case of PHB (Post Holiday Blues) and I haven't even left the island! My PHB is exacerbated by [Read More]

One Door Closes, One Door Opens

One of my worst fears became reality this week. Our apartment lease isn't going to be renewed in July and we have to move. Aaargghh! I personify that phrase an "Englishman's home is his castle," in a [Read More]

Gingerbread Cookie Christmas Tree

Makes  1 tree This gingerbread tree is easy and fun to make! I always get a bit excited about gingerbread at yuletide and this Christmas cookie tree ticks all the boxes. I have a 10 piece cookie [Read More]

Eating Out – Universal

I have a friend whose godmother came to visit from far, far away. She wasn't a fairy godmother, but she was a very rich godmother, and treated my friend to some fantastic feeds at the very best [Read More]

Chantal’s Thermomix ANZAC Biscuits

Makes about 24 large  or 40 small biscuits We recently had the pleasure of hosting our friends Joan and Beverley from the UK. Both Joan and Bev worked in the office of the school in London where I [Read More]