Search Results for: Anzac

Jamtastic Lamington Slice

Makes about 20 squares If you're big on lamingtons but short on time, then this is the recipe for you! I actually didn't know what a lamington was until I came to Australia and in case you're [Read More]

My Pick of the Posts 2018

Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash I don't know about you but I've been eating, drinking, feeling very merry and have been watching Christmas movies like they are going out of fashion. I [Read More]

Taking Stock – August 2018

I know I say this every month, but gee this month flew by fast! I can't believe that it's almost September, I really don't know quite how that happened. That said, August was action packed, with a [Read More]

72 hours in Newcastle

Oh, what a jolly time we had when our visitors came to stay! We had an action packed time in Sydney seeing and doing all of the things and eating all of the things too! But inbetween all the fun and [Read More]

Taking Stock – April 2018

I know it's the first day of May and all but April was so action packed that I've only just got a chance to take a breath and take stock. So here's the month that was in one blog post tied with a [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – August 2017

Even though there is no one to play pictures with in this month's 10 on 10 Photography Circle, I started this year's project, so I'll finish this year's project, even if it's all on my [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #114

I can't believe it's Saturday, that long weekend really threw me, not that I'm complaining, I love long weekends so much, I think every weekend should be four days. For my Australian friends, there's [Read More]

Taking Stock – April

Now, I know it's not quite the last Tuesday in April but it is the last Tuesday I'll be down under in April so I thought it was an appropriate time to take stock  like Pip did. April has shaped up [Read More]