10 on 10 October

Before I crossed the international date line and then crossed hemispheres, I had a very busy (and very delicious) month in the kitchen. Every month this year, I've made 10 old recipes new again and [Read More]

Words of Wisdom and a 7th Cancerversary

Photo by Travis Blessing on Unsplash 7 is my lucky number and it's been 7 years (tomorrow) since I said farewell to my thyroid. As you can see from the obligatory post op pic, I wasn't unhappy about [Read More]

Steph’s Easy Pork Dumplings

Making your own dumplings is easy when you know how! These boiled pork dumplings are quick, easy  and totally delicious. I am very excited about this month's Reader Recipe! It's no secret [Read More]

Taking Stock – September 2018

I've spent the month dividing myself between home base, Hawaii and the motherland and have spent a disproportionate amount of time on planes, trains and automobiles. Now, I'm all settled at mum's in [Read More]

She’s So Inspiring – Carmen Platt

My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they  choose to live it have really inspired me.  A few years ago, I started the She’s So Inspiring series to [Read More]

Easy Peach Cobbler

This egg free recipe is such an easy and delicious dessert. I actually don't know why a cobbler is called a cobbler nor do I know why it's also know as a betty or a buckle depending on where you [Read More]