Search Results for: uk

Rhubarb Crumble

Your belly will rumble for this scrumptious rhubarb crumble with it's golden crunchy topping and a fabulously fruity filling. When I lived in Australia, I hardly ever bought rhubarb because I [Read More]

From Sydney to Stamford

So now that I'm a bit more settled, I thought it time to introduce my new home town. Steeped in history, Stamford, Lincolnshire (not to be confused with it's American namesake Stamford, Connecticut) [Read More]

Taking Stock August 2023

Well here we are in the last quarter of the year. Honestly time is flying by so quickly, it feels like I only just this minute wrote my July wrap up but here we are! We were at home (and home alone) [Read More]

Taking Stock – July 2023

July is always full of birthday bonhomie for our little family and the 2023 edition was no exception. I'm not going to lie it was blooming wonderful. There was fun with friends at home and away and [Read More]

In My Kitchen – July 2023

Pinch, punch, it's first of the month which means it's time to join dear Sherry and spill the beans on what's been happening In My Kitchen. Teddy, David and I all had birthdays in July. I [Read More]

Taking Stock – May 2023

So here I am better late than never with a whistle stop tour of all the yay (and nay) in May. I had fully intended to press publish on this post last week but life got in the way. Anyhoo, why not grab [Read More]

Pat’s 4 Ingredient Mackerel Dip

This simple 4 ingredient smoked mackerel dip is quick, easy and totally delicious! When we moved to the UK, I knew one of the things I would miss is my lovely neighbour and the food (and recipes) [Read More]

Taking Stock – April 2023

Well, April flew by in the blink of an eye! It may have been the shortest month of the year so far but it was definitely one of the most action packed... Not that I'm complaining. Before I get really [Read More]

In My Kitchen – April 2023

Yay it's May! And bonus points for today being a Bank Holiday here in the UK. I do love a long weekend, don't you?! The start of a new month means a little look back at the old one so I'm joining [Read More]