Apple, Banana and Walnut Bread

Huzzah, let's cheer, it's the first (new) recipe of the year! I may have been decluttering around the house but there is nothing minimalist about my drafts folder.  It seems that over the last six [Read More]

10 on 10 – January 2018

I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with the 10 on 10 project this year. It was all such jolly fun when I was playing along with a circle of friends, that's not to say that it's not fun flying [Read More]

New Year, No Word

I feel like such a rebel because I have neither a word for the year, nor do I have a resolution. Not even one! This is partly because I have commitment issues - the idea of choosing one word [Read More]

2017 – The Bloggy Year That Was

Technically, I'm still on my bloggy break but on this, the last day of the year, I couldn't help taking a sneak peek on the bloggy year that was. I wanted to look back at this past year, so that I can [Read More]

Taking Stock – December

Hello there! How were your holibobs? I'm smack, bang in the middle of my bloggy break but I wanted to pop in, wish you all the happy and take some stock! I'd love it if you joined me. Make yourself [Read More]

A Minimalist Christmas – A Recipe

I've written before about the Christmas Crazy and the lengths I will go to avoid it. Granted, our Christmases are by nature low key because we have neither kids nor family (the latter at least not on [Read More]

Peanut Butter Banana Rocky Road

Some of my most loved recipes are those that are a happy accident and this is one such recipe. I like to think that I'm a wannabe minimalist with the exception of my pantry. When it comes to baking [Read More]

10 on 10 – December 2017

See that there? It may not look very pretty but it's my (second batch) of Christmas mince and it tastes beautiful. It's like festive nectar and I regularly stir it and gaze adoringly upon it while [Read More]

Ginger Beer Bundt Cake

Serves 12 If you like ginger beer, then you will love this beautiful bundt cake!  I remember when I first came to Australia and fell in love with the people, the landscape and of course, [Read More]