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Taking Stock – November 2022

I'm a bit conflicted. I am not at all ready for it to be the last month of the year but I am totally ready to crack open my advent calendar and fully embrace all things Christmas. Actually, scrap that [Read More]

Taking Stock – October 2022

It's been a month since my last blog post and what an action packed month it's been! Now that we're a bit more organised and are a lot more settled, I'm hoping to show up in this little corner of the [Read More]

Taking Stock – September 2022

Well, I know I'm a bit late for my own September wrap up but life has been action packed and anyway, you know what they say better late than never. So without further ado, here is my September [Read More]

Taking Stock – August 2022

While everyone is getting stuck into a new month, I'm still looking back at the old one! August 2022 - my last full month in Australia and what a ride it's been! I spent most of the month with my [Read More]

Taking Stock – July 2022

I had high hopes for July. The month enjoyed a strong start, a marvellous middle and a bit of a flat (literally and metaphorically,) finish. Still counting my blessings and still taking stock though [Read More]

One Last Weekend in Canberra

one last weekend in canberra With our departure fast approaching, we're working our way through our Australian bucket list and it wouldn't be an Australian bucket list without including a visit to [Read More]

10 Year Reflections

Every year on (or around) my birthday I like to indulge in a little reflection - in 2021 I was inspired by Jo to share 50 Things About Me and in 2019 and 2020 I did an annual taking stock post with 48 [Read More]

Taking Stock – June 2022

June was short and for the most part, sweet! There was good food, good times, good doggos and even a weekend escape to the capital. So in the spirit of full and through reporting, here is the [Read More]

Easy Slow Cooker Beef Stew

This easy slow cooked beef stew is sure to be a family favourite! I say that with some authority because it's definitely a favourite at our house although we do have a penchant for slow cooked [Read More]

A Wet Weekend in the Blue Mountains

When it comes to weekends in the Blue Mountains, this is not my first but it definitely is the wettest! In the 14 years that we have lived in Australia, I think we have been at least 14 times, I [Read More]