The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #93

It's a whopper of a weekend here. My trusty co-pilot Karin is here in da house, and when I say da house I mean my house! Squee!  We're having a fun packed few days, hopping all over town, seeing the [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – November 2016

Well, what do you know, it’s the 10th of the month already! Of course, that means I’m joining in with this month’s Clever Cookie Photography Circle, which is more like a triangle because there's only [Read More]

7 Must Visit Bars in San Francisco

When I'm on my home turf, I have a penchant for small (AKA hidden) bars and bars with a view. The higher the bar, the more I like it, which is really strange considering how much I hate heights. If [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #92

Hello friends and welcome to the rabbit hole. Today is twice as nice because not only is it Saturday but it's National Doughnut Day which is hands down one of my favourite food days of the year! I ate [Read More]

Vanilla Jam Star Cookies

Makes 24-30 (depending on shape and size of cutter) Sandwiched together with jam and buttercream, these star-shaped biscuits are just jam-tastic! There are no biscuits like British biscuits. [Read More]

20 Places to Eat and Drink in Vancouver

Believe, me if the way to my heart is through my belly, then Vancouver totally stole my heart. This city has it all, mountains, water, forests... And some of the best beer I've ever had the good [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #91

Hurrah for the weekend! How was your week? Mine was action packed; I saw Bridget Jones (and her baby,) ate my bodyweight in dumplings, injured my ear with a cotton bud and now I'm about to hop on down [Read More]

Best Ever Coconut Cake

Serves 8-10 My friend Richard loves coconut, like really loves it. Every time I go back to London, I always take a bag of Cherry Ripes which he inhales with gusto. One time, I even made him his [Read More]

Taking Stock – October

I can't believe we've been back on Australian terra firma for almost a month. Our big trip seems like a lifetime ago! Time sure must fly by when you're having fun because it's almost the end of [Read More]