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Taking Stock – March 2022

I can't believe we're more than a quarter of the way through the year already. I have a theory that the older I get, the faster the time passes. I wonder, is that just me?! I know we're actually [Read More]

Melt and Mix Chocolate Weetbix Squares

These malty chocolate squares are the most delicious sweet treat and go great with a cuppa! This slice was inspired by my Weetbix loving godson, Jack. At the end of last year, he was coming for [Read More]

Taking Stock – February 2022

February might have been the shortest month of the year but it was positively action packed. We spent the first half of the month running around like headless chickens and the latter part of the month [Read More]

Taking Stock – December 2021

I know I've already posted my Year in Review posts and it's already 2022 but here I am fashionably late with my Taking Stock for last December. Insert "face palm." Life has really gotten in the [Read More]

2021 – A Year in Review Part 2

I hit publish on the first part of my recap of 2021 a few weeks ago and as I started, so I'll finish with the second instalment, just in the nick of time! So before 2022 rolls around, here's 2021 a [Read More]

2021 – A Year in Review Part 1

If 2021 was a running event, I think it would be an ultra marathon and I for one, would be limping to the finish line! I thought 2020 was a bit of a doozy but it felt like that was just the warm [Read More]

Taking Stock – November 2021

I'm so on the back foot this year hence which is why I'm about to look back on November in the heart of December! Even though I'm so tardy, I couldn't not look back on the month that was, if for [Read More]

25 Christmas Movies To Watch Right Now

Christmas isn't Christmas without a good Christmas movie so I've rounded up 25 of the festive finest for your viewing pleasure. Think of this as my gift to you, a festive film advent calendar! I [Read More]

Hotel Quarantine Q and A – Inside HQ

How about one last quarantine post for the road? Although I've served my time and it looks like hotel quarantine might be a thing of the past in the not so distant future (fingers crossed,) I still [Read More]

Quarantine Q and A – Pre- Quarantine

Having experienced Hotel Quarantine for myself, I'm as quarantine curious as ever and passionate about demystifying the Hotel Quarantine process. When I was in Hotel Quarantine, I got asked so many [Read More]