She’s So Inspiring – Amy Ahearn
My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they choose to live it have really inspired me. Some are bloggers, some are not, their lives are all different [Read More]
My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they choose to live it have really inspired me. Some are bloggers, some are not, their lives are all different [Read More]
It's hard to believe that I used to be a serial nail biter and had my first manicure at the tender age of 35 because quite frankly I am nuts about nails and the prettier they look the better. I can't [Read More]
Goals are good because everyone needs a purpose. My acute indecision is so bad, I can't even decide on what my goals are or what my purpose is. I'm working on it, though. Right now though, my goal [Read More]
Serves 4 Do you know I've never made Chicken Cacciatore? Until now, that is! The last thing I want to do after a long day at work is get busy in the kitchen but neither do I want to eat out or eat [Read More]
I don't know how it got to be almost October already! Do you ever wish life had a pause button too? September was definitely a month to remember for so many reasons and here's just a few of [Read More]
Hello friends. It's been a big week here. I left my job so I can focus on my studies, bake a lot of cakes and morph into a domestic goddess... something like that anyway! How was your week? Tell me [Read More]
My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they choose to live it have really inspired me. Some are bloggers, some are not, their lives are all different [Read More]
Makes 12 I don't know about you but we are huge fans of the Great British Bake Off. We just can't get enough. A few years ago, my mum bought me the Great British Bake Off Cookbook and last year she [Read More]
I saw this quote and then I got all inspired by Lisa's post and it got me thinking, what kind of person do I want to meet and what do I want to be known for? I guess I want to be a person who has a [Read More]
I love my hood. In fact, I love it so much that I hardly ever venture out of it. There's plenty here to keep me fit, caffeinated and well fed and watered but even so, it's always good to have a new [Read More]